Owen Sound— December 2021 — The Owen Sound Family Health Team is announcing their winter program line up – Virtually “We are still offering the same great programs this winter as we normally do and we will be continuing to offer them online.” said Rona Cobean (RN), Programs Manager at OSFHT. “Giving our community the ability to access the free programs online keeps our most vulnerable patients safe”
Many patients in the community have already accessed some of these virtual programs over the last year.
“We have created online content for our largest programs like the Healthy Lifestyle Program (formally GLB), which is a 6 month program for people wanting to make significant lifestyle changes to improve their health.”
The Healthy Lifestyle Program (formally GLB) program teaches participants how to safely increase physical activity, problem solving, stress and time management, goal setting and staying motivated. For the participants with chronic disease (Diabetes, Heart disease) the program offers ways to eat healthy, preventative care and management of their health issues.
“This program has truly changed my outlook on managing my Diabetes” said a former participant of the program. “The teachers – Registered Dietitians and Nurses motivated me to stay on track and change my habits.”
The programs offered at the OSFHT, cover a wide range of topics for everyone – Stress Management, Gentle Yoga, Nutrition for every stage of life, physical wellness, Senior (55+) Fitness & Chronic Disease management (Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Heart Health). To register for any of the free offered virtual programs call 519-470-3030 ext. 103.
They are currently offering nine (9) programs to the whole community (you do not need to be a patient of the OSFHT’s to access these programs, but you do need to register and you do need access to the internet and an email address)
These programs can be found on the OSFHT website www.osfht.ca or facebook (@owensoundfamilyhealthteam) page. The programs offered cover a wide range of topics for everyone – Stress Management, Gentle Yoga, Nutrition for every stage of life, physical wellness, Senior (55+) Fitness & Chronic Disease management (Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Heart Health). Some of our programs are pre-recorded making it even more convenient for those of our patients who work full time, are caregivers or only have access online during a certain timeframe. To register for any of the free virtual programs call 519-470-3030 ext. 103.
Formed in April of 2007, the Owen Sound Family Health Team expanded into a fully integrated facility on the west harbour of downtown Owen Sound in December 2011.
Their unique approach focuses on the management of chronic disease, health promotion and illness prevention and brings together a team of health professionals including: 20+ Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Adult & Child/Youth Social Workers, Health Educators, a Respiratory Therapist, Registered Dietitians, a Clinical Pharmacist, and Occupational Therapists.
All of our providers work under one roof to provide a full range of comprehensive collaborative and timely primary care. With over 35,000 rostered patients we are continually changing and expanding to meet the needs of the community.
For more information, press only:
Rona Cobean, Programs Manager