1415 1st Ave W, Suite 2000,

Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8


Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 12:00 pm 
1:00 pm – 4:00pm


1415 1st Ave W, Suite 2000,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8


Health Care Connect


You can visit Health Care Connect (1-800-445-1822).

This is a program that helps you find a doctor or nurse practitioner if you don’t have one. You can also use the program to change family health care providers, but only after you leave your current family health care provider and are no longer on their patient list.

Email Consent

Our office often uses email to communicate with patients. The main advantage of email communication is convenience, particularly when scheduling appointments and receiving timely information regarding your care and test results.

If you would like to receive email from our office and your physician for appointment updates, information regarding your care and test results, please download the PDF form at the bottom of this message, fill it out and mail it to our office.

Or you can call the office (519-470-3030, Option#3 followed by your Dr’s pod #)  between 8:30 am and 4 pm (closed from 12-1pm) to give a verbal consent. We will then send you a form via email for us to be granted email consent.

This information sent to you by email may be confidential and personal in nature.

Although we are very careful on our end to keep these emails confidential, you should know that email messages in general are not encrypted and may exist indefinitely. We cannot guarantee the security of messages sent outside of the clinic.

The clinic cannot guarantee that your email will be received, read or responded to within any particular period of time. YOU MUST NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE CLINIC VIA EMAIL FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCIES or other time-sensitive matters.

See the photo below to see what an Email from us will look like: